Hi there. Not sure if anyone checks my page anymore, but I thought I would document some things that I/we have been doing these days.
These days:
- I am especially thankful for my family and friends. We have been loved by both sides so much. My mom took off a week from work so I could rest. Others have brought in their congrats in various forms--visitors, flowers and treats have been abundant!
Leo is a big boy. He was born weighing 9 lbs 6 oz and three weeks later pushing 11 lbs--currently wearing 3 month clothing!
- These days find me at home a LOT. We went out a couple of times but he did not really enjoy the ride that much. I am also waiting to heal a bit more before I venture out with him by myself. So I have probably left the house about 5 times the last four weeks, which is fine, really. Sometimes, though I find myself really wanting to join my family in Holiday festivities and lights viewing and watching Abby play indoor soccer, but understand that it is better for me to be home for now.
- I'm also reading a lot of Mundane Faithfulness. I have recently discovered Kara and find myself thinking, crying and prayer for a complete stranger. Her blog blesses and convicts me, oh so much and I covet the amount of grace she is able to project being so very ill.
- These days I'm craving lots of things that are not very good for me. I made this Espresso Brown Butter Bundt cake 3-4 times in the last couple of weeks. And because addiction runs in the family, one slice just does not suffice. Oh glorious, glorious days of wheat-free lifestyle, where art thou? Looking at my closet filled with a whole lot of things that are too small for me, I know you shall, no must return!
- On the kid front, I have been busy policing all things iPhone, sugar, homework and chores related. I get weary and annoyed at Clash of Clans and its friends and think of times prior to iPhones when my kids got very very little screen time and wonder what WERE they busy doing then? I confess, its really hard to compete with the electronic world during winter time, here in Oregon. Sure, there are plenty of places to visit, but after school and on some weekends its just plain impossible for us get to those places. On days such as these when we have exhausted things they usually play with, I welcome a little quiet time when they get to use electronics.
- Some days though they are a little more productive with their screen time than others when they create pictures like these to have me discover them and crack up:
- The day is split into moments when the kids are loving on each other one minute and quarreling with each other next. Turning from sugar to spice only takes a few seconds, a few not so careful words or moves, some misunderstanding, or lack of protein. Kind of like us, the adults.
- We spent Christmas Eve at home with my side of the family coming over. I made this, this and this and mashed potatoes; they brought everything else. The kids got a few gifts, the adults indulged in good food and conversation.
- I am looking forward to 2015! Being home for most of it is such a treat. I feel so very blessed in so many ways--my goal for 2015 is to remember that and give thanks to the One responsible for it all!