"The nerds of the family decided it would look pretty cool on the back window of our minivan." Said I and gave him a Steve Urkel grin.
So loving libraries or reading is nerdy, an adult might ask? It is amongst many teenagers. I had more than one senior proudly tell me that they have never read a book from cover to cover and I am yet to solicit a sincere "Hurray!" after I announce to my class that we are starting to read new book. No wonder there is such an effort being made to sell reading as a cool thing to do. This effort is evident by the celebrity READ posters such as


and the most recent one from the READ campaign:

It is obvious that the target age group of these ads are teenagers. Being an adult who is currently majorly book reading deprived, I do not understand the strong resistance to holding a paperback in hands, curling up on the couch next to a fireplace, sipping on hot tea and flying away to distant lands. Whats so nerdy about that?
I only wish I had time to read. Whoever thought of targeting teens had a brilliant idea in my opinion. Geek is Sheek