Thursday, May 14, 2009

An Act of Deprivation

With all the apocalyptic talk, the babe has his own issues to worry about. Daddy has finally had enough with warming up 3 bottles and changing several diapers a night that he's been training Tim to get through the night without eating. My man has some patience, I tell you. It is rare that one finds her self a man who is willing to patiently rub his baby's back and sing lullabies for a whole hour during the middle of the night all while listening to the loud screaming cry. Because I don't have a spine, I am banned to a different room and with an aching heart lie there and listen to my babies cries for food and pray for his sleep. The babe must have heard us discuss different ways to stack up on food for the hard times ahead because we caught him doing this before bed time yesterday:

Without the extra calories from nightly feeding his mama is worried that his fine figure will be slimmed down so she took these pics to keep as a memory from the days of the round the clock nourishment.


  1. Boy...his message to you was loud and clear! What a funny kid!

  2. What a smart baby!
    Love the last pic, he's such a cutie-pie!

  3. Ha Ha too funny! How old is he? I cut out night time feeds at 4 months of age forget waking me bad!

    He is sooo adorable though I'd have a tough time saying no to one but when dealing with three its EASY to say NO!

  4. Nice stacking up on food there, little man!

    He already wear undies? How old is he?

  5. Beth and Juliya--thank you! We think he is pretty cute too :)
    Tina, you are my hero. I mean it!

    Tanya, he is one. He is not potty trained yet. He just wore his brother's undies for the sauna. They barely fit him though!
