Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Best of 2009

Over the last few months, I have probably written more blog posts in my head than the total number of posts for the year. 2009 was filled with many happy moments. There were several very fun days spent outside of home. I did not write about our fun sand dunes trip, or our short beach vacation. I did not write about our wonderful trip to Lost lake where I caught a fish by dragging the line from the water with bare hands. I've also wanted to write about the Mt. Hood cabin stays generously given to us by my husband's client. I really wanted to write about our Hoodriver Mt. Hood railroad trip and give fellow parents of small children the advice of NOT taking their kids on this trip. This and more I wanted to write about, but for some reason or another did not get to.

It took me FOREVER to put this together because the Windows Media player would not cooperate with me! If you ever had problems (and later solved them) with downloading music to your albums, PLEASE let me know. The music here is all I had that would download. Sorry if you find it annoying. I also made an editing mistake when I made this too :)

Any comments made about how beautiful my family is are appreciated! But really, I would be honored if you take a look at this.

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