Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vintage Me?

Because it usually takes me a list a couple of years to get "in the loop" of whats in, I think that I have finally begun to appreciate vintage inspired clothes, accessories and other things.   I have discovered Ruche, an online vintage style boutique and am really liking their stuff.  Right now, I have my eye on:

I usually ignore Black Fridays, but this time I might just take another peak at this website and buy something as the stuff there will be a whopping 15% off with a promo code.  Out of the three things I posted, which would you buy if you were me?


  1. oooh, I really like that 1st one!

  2. that middle one would look great on you :o)

  3. Tanya and Adeline, I guess I will have to buy both! The dress might be a bit too hot for me ;)
