Wednesday, January 4, 2012

December Happenings and Future Plans

So, even I got tired of pulling up my blog and seeing the same page pop up for over a month now.  We were able to accomplish about half of the things planned on our advent calendar--I thought that was a success!  

I haven't blogged since then.  I don't know why such decrease in desire to blog.  Sometimes I am too lazy, other times I am too tired and other times too busy.  Busy I have been.    The holidays came and went.  We've been to more parties/dinners than I can count.  We've hosted very few.   The older two kids completed 8 weeks of swimming classes.  As much of a hassle as those lessons are (especially when they are being held at less than desirable times) it is such joy to watch them not only improve in a skill but also have a blast doing it. 

In early December, my sister hosted a wonderful baby shower for me!  She worked for days gathering crafts, decorating the house, giving out invitations and arranging meals.    Love her!  

Some of the ladies who stayed long enough to take a picture :)  It was soooo nice of all of you to take some time from the craziness this season brings and come take part in my joy!  I appreciate this so much.  

For my husband's b-day we went to the cabin again.  My handsomeness turned 34(!) this year.  

Oh, how I love this man.   He is so patient, kind, hardworking, generous, creative, smart, can fix just about anything, adores his children, puts up with me ;).  I don't know where he finds the energy after a long day at work to come home and play with the kids.  Their giggles fill the household like in no other time of the day and I sit back and watch a kid trapped in a big man's body and find it the most romantic thing of all!

Those couple December days were very warm.   Even though there was no snow near the cabin, we found plenty on the mountain.

We then came to the cabin and rested.  Some near the fireplace, others discovered Monopoly and played about 4 shorts rounds of it during the whole time we were there.  

We returned from the cabin a week before Christmas Eve.  What a busy week that was!  

 I did very little shopping (mostly online for a couple of children gifts).  But I did do a lot of running around buying supplies to make homemade chap sticks, hard lotion and scrubs.  Of course, someone who is more organized then I am would have probably came up with the idea of making all of these things long before the week of Christmas.  And that same person would have probably bought all the supplies a couple of months before the big day and of course would have had all of those things made up and ready to give at least a couple of weeks before Christmas.  I want to be that person next  year.  

Recently, I've discovered a sudden interest in homemade things.  So far, I've made chap sticks, hard lotion, foot scrub, body scrub, and cold/cough syrup.   On my list to do is vaporub, candles, and soap!  I am also anxious to get all these things done before the baby arrives in oh my--4 weeks or so since I know my hands will be a little preoccupied when that happens!  Even so, I am very anxious to meet this little person and to welcome him into this world and into the family where all of its member are already crazy about him.  

In the near future, I would like to post some of the blog links and/or recipes for all those things.   I want to do this because I want to have them all be in one place easily accessible to me and perhaps to some of you who follow this blog despite its rarely updated content :) 

Hope you all had a wonderful start to 2012!  

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